Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Book - The Big Picture

Dear friends,

I have been writing blogs for over four years now. Based on some of the material covered in those posts, I have compiled and enhanced them to develop in a book form. The good news is that this book, called, 'The Big Picture" has been published. The book is available from the publisher, The Balboa Press or through The book cover and the other links appear below. I hope, the book appeals to you.

Thank you, and lots of love,

Ballabh Acharya

Book Cover:

This book attempts to search for answers to some of the fundamental questions about life on earth that humanity has been asking for thousands of years.

The first question is, "Why I am on earth?" Rooted deeply within the human psyche, this question often arises with a belief that there must be some meaning and purpose in life and that human life is more than just being born, getting an education, having jobs, raising families, and eventually dying.

The second question is, "Who am I?" When we say "I do this" or "I do that", what is that "I" we are referring to? What actually is meant by the word "I"? Does it mean the body we have that we see walking, seeing, doing things, or thinking? Or it is something larger than the physical body?

When we say, "This is good" or "That is good", what is the standard by which we determine that something is good? For example, what you consider to be good in any situation or activity may not be perceived as such by others. Is there any standard that can be generally accepted by humanity despite the differences in people's background and belief systems?

Balboa Press:


Book Depository, UK:

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